6 Best Backend Frameworks for Web App Development in 2022

Crissa Aguilos
Published in
6 min readJun 29, 2022


As the internet has grown, web services have become more and more integrated into the business. As the standards of web applications continually rise, so does the complexity of the technology required to develop them. Frameworks, then, have become an integral part of web development.

A very sensible approach for building rich and interactive web applications is to use frameworks endorsed by thousands of developers around the world. However, what exactly is a web framework? How does it facilitate the development of extendable web apps that are easy for consumers to interact with?

What Is the Meaning of Web App Development Framework?

A web framework can be defined as a software tool aimed at automating the overheads that are involved in the web development process. The two common types of web frameworks are Client-Side Web Frameworks and Server Side Web Frameworks.

In this article, we are going to talk about Best Backend Frameworks for Web Development in 2022. But before that, let us talk about why one should use backend web frameworks?

Backend frameworks are primarily intended to automate overheads associated with web development. But few of the backend frameworks that are highly used would also benefit in the below-mentioned ways:

  • Boost scalability and maintainability regulation
  • Strengthen security and privacy encryptions
  • Amalgamate third-party libraries with required tools
  • Build robustness and stimulate superior performance
  • Incite speedy web development to save time

Best Backend Frameworks in 2022

1. Django

A Python-based web application framework, Django utilizes an open-source programming language for most of its operations. This framework utilizes a model-view-controller architecture. It requires few or no third-party plugins. Django works well with HTML, JSON, and XML format projects.

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Django is typically widely used in web application development that takes place on an enterprise level. Some of the renowned organizations that use the Django framework include Spotify, NASA, Bitbucket, Mozilla, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Fundamental Useful Features:

  • Supreme level of scalability because of reusability and caching tools as well as features
  • Supports HTTP libraries, MVC core architecture, and ORM i.e. Object Relational Mapper
  • An inclusive and vibrant community that consists of well-organized documentation
  • Comes with an inbuilt authentication tool

2. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on rails is one of the most popular backend frameworks that has been used for quite a while now. This framework had been written with the Ruby programming language. However, Ruby on Rails combines JavaScript, CSS, and HTML while developing web applications. Some of the popular apps that use Ruby on rails are GitHub, Airbnb, Hulu, and Groupon.

Fundamental Useful Features:

  • Urges speedy development with ready-made modules and plugins
  • Provides one of the most commonly used web application architecture support of MVC
  • Web developers can enjoy quality development and error handling with automated testing
  • This framework makes use of Convention over Configuration
  • Developers don’t need to write SQL code in order to develop queries. They need to write the code only in Ruby syntax. This code is then translated to SQL queries by the Active Record library used by this framework.

3. Laravel

When it comes to backend development using PHP, Laravel is the best option. It is widely considered the best backend development software. At the end of March 2021, it was one of the prevailing and widely used backend frameworks. Most businesses across the globe prefer to hire Laravel developers in India for its innumerable benefits. There are a few other PHP frameworks like Codelgniter and Symfony which are less popular alternatives.

Fundamental Useful Features:

  • Great API support that functions effortlessly with the help of SwiftMailer library
  • The template engine of Laravel is all-inclusive. It is practicable for originating complicated layouts and even sports widgets with functional CSS and JS code
  • Eloquent and Persuasive Object Relational Mapping
  • Laravel users appreciate outstanding exceptional and error handling. Additionally, it has monolog logging library integration which will assist in creating provision for manifold log handlers
  • Reduction in implementation of authorization and authentication logic
  • Developers will get a number of different ways of accessing relational databases

4. ExpressJS

A single-page, multi-page, or hybrid web application can be built using ExpressJS. This layer is built on top of Node js and is responsible for managing servers and routes. Many reputed companies such as IBM, MySpace, Accenture, Uber, Myntra, and many others make use of this framework for web app development.

Fundamental Useful Features:

  • It is one of the most extensively used programming languages. Developers can use JavaScript runtime environments to create both front-end and back-end applications.
  • Assists elaborate URL routing mechanism
  • Comprises a great debugging system that is inbuilt
  • Brilliant for generating REST APIs for both web and mobile applications by making use of Node.JS
  • It powers as the backend element for the development stacks such as MEVN and MEAN. This framework also operates together with the MongoDB database software.
  • Provides middleware and a variety of HTTP utility methods

5. Flask

Flask is a prevalent micro web framework that is written in the renowned language of Python. Unlike other micro-web frameworks, it does not require third-party libraries for its components. This implies that there are no databases or form validation components.

Fundamental Useful Features:

  • Flask is proportionally quite easy-to-learn when compared to a few other frameworks
  • The performance is very smooth since it has very less abstraction layers that exist between user and database
  • Users can access the Werkzeug toolkit in order to generate a WSGI-compliant web application
  • Comes with both a built-in web server and debugger
  • RESTful request dispatching or extensions for various open authentication technologies are among its features
  • Gives Unicode support
  • Applies Jinja2 for functional template building

6. Golang

As the newest back-end framework, Golang was developed at Google. Despite being a new technology, it is supported by many platforms, including Amazon Web Services & Heroku. There aren’t many Golang applications we see these days, but it is gaining popularity and is predicted to become one of the most used back-end frameworks in the near future.

Key Features:

  • Static typing and runtime efficiency of C++
  • Usability and Readability of Python and JavaScript
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) concept of Smalltalk.
  • Concurrency element of Newsqueak


Web-based services are clearly being adopted by businesses more and more. Due to these developments, well-built web applications now offer competitive functionality for an optimal user experience. Older technologies can’t compete with newer ones in terms of capabilities, so business owners who use them suffer greatly.

Web services are effective when they are developed with efficient resources, practices, and tools. Thankfully, you can access those innovative resources and tools when you integrate any of the popular backend frameworks listed above.

Of course, popularity and consensus should not be the primary factors in selecting the right backend framework. A backend framework should be chosen based on your unique requirements.

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Crissa Aguilos

I write and publish blogs weekly about tech, digital design (especially UI/UX), and e-commerce. Web Content Manager of Epicpxls.